Habi Makeover
Donations to support
Habi Makeover

Habi Makeover Basic is free to download and use, but users are welcome to make a gift to help towards development costs. Donations are used towards website hosting costs, licences and hardware, and also to encourage further development.

Easy donation facilities are available through PayPal. Whether or not you have a PayPal account, you can send payments through them. To donate, click the button below to be directed to the Paypal site. Donations are taken in US$, but if your account uses any other currency, PayPal will automatically convert the amount for you.

You are encouraged to donate the amount you think is fair based on your financial capabilities and the usefulness of the programs to you. Donating towards Habi Makeover Basic is not mandatory, however it is greatly appreciated.

Option 1: single donation

For donations of $5.00 or more, the first $5.00 will give you 30 days of Premium Membership subscription privileges on the Habi Makeover Community site, including full access to the File storage area. For donations over $5.00, the remainder will be taken as a donation to support further development.

If your HMO Community email is different from your PayPal email or you wish to donate on behalf of another member, indicate this in the "instructions" box on the PayPal page or send a message to neil@habimakeover.com listing the email addresses your donation applies to.

Option 2: Monthly repeating subscription

This option has the same privileges as Option 1, but it allows you to make an automatic payment each month on the same date of the month, so that you do not have to remember each time. Click one of the options below, fill in the email if it is different from your PayPal email, then click the Subscribe button. (You can list several emails if you want your subscription to apply to more than one account.)

HMO Community email (if different from PayPal email)

If you want to cancel your repeating monthly subscription, click the button below: